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Gentle - Premium OpenCart Template

About GentleGentle is a very powerful, aesthetically pleasing theme made especially for OpenCart 1.5. It comes with many custom options and powerful theme panel, which allows you to change virtually anything about its appearance.

About GentleGentle is a very powerful, aesthetically pleasing theme made especially for OpenCart 1.5. It comes with many custom options and powerful theme panel, which allows you to change virtually anything about its appearance.

You can fully customise the theme, change its colours by using colour pickers and fonts by using drop – down menus. It has a built in support for Google Fonts, so it will do all the work (linking to the selected font and changing the stylesheet) dynamically for you. Additionally, it takes advantage of all the new features introduced in OpenCart 1.5, such as slideshows, banners, reward points, grid – list product listings, wish lists and many, many more.
Installation process is very easy, and together with themeís files, you are supplied with easy to follow, step by step instruction guide.
We believe this theme will suit any kind of store (especially fashion, electronics, furniture, accesories, computer hardware, gadgets etc.), so why donít you have a look at demo, play a bit with its powerful customisation options and make sure itís the right theme for you before you buy it?
Oh, and remember: customisation panel in the demo doesnít show all available options, **there is even more to change from within the admin panel. **## Testimonials> Excellent work on the custom footer options. I will agree that this is one of the easier OpenCart installations Iíve come across that include backend admin modifications; upload and youíre good to go! Hurray!

I bought this theme, works as advertised. Thanks a lot for a beautiful theme.
Amazing! Playing with it now and it has lots of options well done!
It is a great purchase for my store. Love the new skin. Again, Great Job ! I am satisfied with the support I have received. Even there is time zone difference, I have been able to receive the answer in a very reasonable time.

Features* **unlimited ** colours – play with its powerful, easy to use options and create your unique, very own theme,

  • editable fonts: you can choose your theme’s headers and body fonts simply by selecting them from the drop – down list. For headers you can choose from about 200 most popular Google Fonts.
  • Custom Footer: contains six editable columns: about us, contact us, facebook fan box, twitter, custom column html, categories. You can choose which ones and how many you want to display.
  • Attractive, clean and unique design which is enhanced by some pretty jQuery effects.
  • Cross browser compatibility: it works fine under any modern, major browser(IE7+, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera).
  • Full support for OpenCart 1.5 and its new features (Reward Points System, RMA System, Grid, List Product listings, Gift Voucher System, Credit System, Reorder System, Wish List System, Affliate System, Option Text Fields, Banner Manager, One-Page Checkout and moreÖ)
  • Two – column layout which leaves more space for your product presentation but still has a feel of traditional e-commerce where your customers won’t get confused and find their way around the store quickly and easily.
  • An easy to follow, step by step installation guide (in pdf format) telling you how to install this theme and make some basic adjustments.
  • ** SEVEN PSD ** file supplied (four files for different colour schemes and three PSDs for subpages)
  • DEMO : (login and password:demo)## OpenCart compatibility* ** OpenCart – tested: 100% compatible**
  • OpenCart – tested: 100% compatible
  • OpenCart 1.5.1 / / – tested: 100% compatible
  • OpenCart – tested 100% compatible.
  • OpenCart tested 100% compatible. ## History Version30/11/2012 update 4.3.1
  • Fixed: Twitter API 01/06/2012 update 4.3
  • Added Compatibility 23/03/2012 update 4.2.1
  • Fixed problem with fancyboc 14/03/2012 update 4.2
  • Fixed few minor bugs
  • Open Cart Compatible 08/10/2011 update 4.1
    • Fixed Images Upload 05/10/2011 update 4.0
    • Update do OpenCart 27/07/2011 update 3.0
    • support for about 200 Google fonts
    • more background patterns plus option to upload and use your own background pattern
    • option to upload and use your own picture as a full size background image
    • option to have content background partially transparent
    • option to upload and use your own image in ‘About Us’ column in the footer area
    • improved css 18/07/2011 update 2.0
    • Update to OpenCart 1.5.1 08/07/2011 update 1.1
    • fixed IE text blur bug,
    • fixed menu problems under IE
    • jquery top menu
    • fixed IE7 mini cart bug## Credits Gentle would not have been so beautiful and advanced without those excellent resources, listed below: * Icons:
  • Icons: ## Production team* development: ;
  • design: myself (tiquet) ## Support Usually, should you require my assistance, I provide a support within 24- 48 hours. In order to get my help you should contact me via themeforest. The products images in the store demo are for demonstration purposes only and are not a part of the template.
Demo URL:

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