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TravelGuide HTML Template

Theme Information TravelGuide is simple & clean theme and it is designed to used by all kinds of travel sites and blogs.

About Wordpress version! Wordpress version is already done but because Themeforest has raised their design standards, it got rejected. So if you need it right away, you can contact me from profile page but otherwise you just need to wait and see if it appears here someday.


Theme Information TravelGuide is simple & clean theme and it is designed to used by all kinds of travel sites and blogs.

Thanks to for this beautiful design!

Latest Update: v1.2 – 24.11.2011

  • Added: Fullwidth page template

Main Features:

  • Valid HTML and CSS Tableless Design
  • All files are well commented
  • All images are compressed with PunyPNG to increase your site performance.
  • CSS -based Multilevel Dropdown Navigation
  • Fancybox (jQuery Lightbox clone)
  • Trips Viewer with Tabs
  • 5 Pre made pages:
    • Home
    • Single Post
    • Single Page
    • Archives
    • News
  • Crossbrowser compatible
  • PSDs and Documentation
  • And many more “little” features

I’m also ready to your suggestions to improve this template. If you can’t find something what you think this theme really needs or you spot that something is wrong, please leave a comment and I’ll get right on it!

And you don’t need afraid to leave without support because that’s not the case. So don’t be shy, if you have question just ask! I’m going to do my best to help you.

Flickr images used in demo:

All Updates

        v1.2 - 24.11.2011
    Added: Fullwidth page template

v1.1 - 18.11.2011
    Added: Gallery page
    Added: Media queries for 1024*768px resolution

v1.0 - Initial version

Demo URL:

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