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Minimo / Corporate, Business, Portfolio, BlogTheme

Minimo is a very powerful theme with many features easy to edit for both, users without programming knowledge and for developers. It empowers you to change any color of elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu links, typography, etc. You can completely change the look and feel of your site in seconds. You can also choose from over 100+ fonts, including Google Font Directory and Custom Cufón fonts. The theme also features 10 Homepage sliders for you to choose from. The main content block is placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position, so it is crawled first by search engines, so its SEO Optimized .


v1.5.1 – Updated 22nd Feb 2012 Fixed Sociables Bug. Updated Timthumb. Added 50+ Google Web Fonts. Added Header top right text color option in admin panel.

v1.5 – Updated 2nd Feb 2012

        Fixed Colors bug in the color settings.


v1.4 – Updated 10th January 2012

        Fixed twitter tweets bug in functions/includes/twitter.php
Added Option for background image for each page and posts.
Documentation typos fixed
Fixed: Mini Gallery  Image squeezing issue


v1.3 – Updated 11th November 2011

        Fixed - Lightbox shortcode bug fixed for width specification
Removed - required variables from options on each page and defined variables in each page
Revamped all the pages.


v1.2 – Updated 10th November 2011

        Fixed - Lightbox Shortcode Bug


v1.1 – 0th October 2011

        Fixed DualSlider images issue
Updated skin.php file


v 1.0 – Updated 22nd October 2011

Theme Description Minimo is a very powerful theme with many features easy to edit for both, users without programming knowledge and for developers. It empowers you to change any color of elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu links, typography, etc. You can completely change the look and feel of your site in seconds. You can also choose from over 100+ fonts, including Google Font Directory and Custom Cufón fonts. The theme also features 10 Homepage sliders for you to choose from. The main content block is placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position, so it is crawled first by search engines, so its SEO Optimized .

Homepage Sliders

  • **Toggle Slider ** – This slider can be configured entirely through the theme option’s page, no need to deal with any code editing. This slider has 2 column, 3 Column and 4 Columns Option.
  • **Collapsing Slider ** – This slider has 2 fields Featured image and Full Sized Image overlaying on the slider and you can display the content using shortcodes as well.
  • **DualSlider ** – This slider has 1 field to upload the image and uses post excerpt to display the short summary of the slide.
  • **Cycle Slider ** – This slider has 1 field for uploading image no need to use any extra features but you can assign partial left or right content.
  • **NivoSlider ** – This slider has 1 field to upload the image.
  • **AivahSlider ** – This slider has 1 field to upload the image. Easy to edit
  • **SkitterSlider ** – This slider has 1 field to upload the image.
  • **Single Video Slider ** – This slider has 1 field to enter the video embed code in the theme options panel itself.
  • **Static Image ** – This slider has 1 field to upload the image via theme options panel.

Fonts & Colors Editing

  • Over 100+ fonts offered with theme
  • Custom 30+ Cufon fonts
  • Unlimited combinations of colors editing for many elements
  • Background Images – You can also upload background images on per section bases instead of solid background color for header, subheader background etc.

Custom Widgets

  • Recent Posts – Display the most recent posts with title and date with no of comments or title and post excerpt. Also provides you an option to display post thumbnail or no image. Limit the number of posts to display. Limit the characters to display if title and content is chosen
  • Popular Posts – Display the most popular posts based on comments with title and date with no of comments or title and post excerpt. Also provides you an option to display post thumbnail or no image. Limit the number of posts to display. Limit the characters to display if title and content is chosen
  • Twitter Tweets – Display the recent tweets with limiting the tweets and displays the tweets posted status
  • Flickr Photos – Display the flickr photos with limiting the photos
  • **Contact Info ** – Displays the quick contact info with address, name, state, city, zip code, email, phone etc.
  • **Contact Form ** – Displays the quick contact form. Input email id to display.
  • **Sub Pages ** – Displays a current pages and children pages. The pages are displayed as the title.
  • **Google Map ** – Insert the fields longitude latitude and address to display the short or long google map.

Custom Sociables Theme comes with default 30+ sociable icons of 16×16 pixels sizes can be added easily from theme options panel. Displays on right side of the top bar.

Custom Sidebars and Sidebar Positioning Theme provides unlimited custom sidebars option where you can add for pages or posts. Display the sidebar positioning left of right side for each page or posts without effecting the code hierarchy as the main content block is always placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position. It’s best for SEO to have your sidebar on the right so your main content is crawled first, if you use a left sidebar to show your most recent posts they will rank higher in SERP (Search Engine Results Page).


  • **Portfolio with Sidebar ** – Displays the portfolio pages with sidebar. Make sure you need to choose sidebar on in shortcodes editor to apply a sidebar. you can display 1 Column, 2 column, 3 Column and 4 Column Portfolio. Theme comes with Number of items to show per page, Custom Read More Text, Content Character Limits, Image Height Adjustments, Category (optional), Display Title Display Description, Pagination, Display More Button.
  • **Portfolio without Sidebar ** – Same as above but the image sizes will be cached again for the small sizes depending on the main content size
  • **Sortable Portfolio ** – This feature is a template dependent and you need to create a page template as portfolio and choose the category to hold from theme options panel under portfolio options tab.
  • Enable/Disable for displaying comments on portfolio posts.
  • Enable/Disable for displaying post pagination on portfolio single posts.

Footer Theme currently has 6 Column support for the footer where you can place the custom widgets or default widgets including the Teaser text for the footer area.

Unobtrusive Theme Features Works if JavaScript is disabled. Multi-level menu deep support. Sliders will be displayed as is without any transitions or overlapping except accordion slider as its panels are JavaScript dependent.

Theme Localization This theme is Internationalization and localization built into its structure to easily used for different languages. For the comment texts the theme have an option to change texts in theme options panel. Other than that theme will be update with more languages including .pot file.

Shortcodes Theme comes with simple, easy and feasible option to use shortcodes built in the theme with just one click. Theme have almost 100+ Shortcodes including typography styling and blog posts styling.

Documentation A very extensive documentation is provided in an HTML file with the theme package. Few Video tutorials will be uploaded later to the screenr for the better support for installing the theme.

Demo URL:

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