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Periodic - A Premium WordPress Magazine Theme

Periodic is a custom built, premium WordPress theme suited for online magazines, news portals and large blogs.

The simple, clean elegant interface is meant to be a perfect backdrop to your content. The theme is ready to start working, out of the box, with a multitude of theme options, custom widgets and shortcodes to help you personalize your environment.

Periodic is a custom built, premium WordPress theme suited for online magazines, news portals and large blogs.

The simple, clean elegant interface is meant to be a perfect backdrop to your content. The theme is ready to start working, out of the box, with a multitude of theme options, custom widgets and shortcodes to help you personalize your environment.

Need Support?

As of September 13, 2011, we will no longer answer support questions in the ThemeForest comments. If you are a verified customer, and require support, please for a free account with our official support forum.

Update v2.4.10 (February 22, 2012)

  • Updated stylesheet for better integration with 3rd party forms

Update v2.4.9 (February 3, 2012)

  • Updated User Guide
  • Updated Twitter Widget to allow users to choose to show RT or not
  • Updated Flickr Widget to all Group Pool streaming
  • Code clean up of functions.php file
  • Code clean up of style.css file
  • Added plugin in notifier upon theme activation
  • Further image optimization
  • .po & .mo files have been updated

Update v2.4.8 (January 2, 2012)

  • Improved ad widgets shortcode compatibility with AdRotate plugin.
  • Improved theme’s compatibility with Disqus plugin.
  • Added additional CSS declarations for images in a post.
  • Download folder now includes XML file.

Update v2.4.7 (November 11, 2011)

  • Theme options now have stricter data sanitation upon saving.

Update v2.4.6 (October 24, 2011)

  • All images have been further optimized for quicker page load speeds
  • Theme loads local copy of jQuery
  • The tag will now show a site description only if it is set
  • Theme uses Google Fonts instead of loading local copy of web font
  • Featured Slider can now display 6 recent globally published posts

Update v2.4.4 (September 7, 2011)

  • Removed Google Plus annotation from Google Plus button

Update v2.4.3 (August 28, 2011)

  • Added breadcrumb support for custom post types
  • Added optimizations for IE8 compatibility
  • Deprecated Google Buzz in favor of Google Plus

Update v2.4.2 (June 15, 2011)

  • Fixed an issue where the Theme Options link in the Admin Nav Bar return a PHP error for some users running PHP 5 .3

Update v2.4.1 (May 23, 2011)

  • Added option for users to disable custom stylesheets for full control with child theming.

Update v2.4 (May 20, 2011)

With the release of v2.4, we are endorsing and supporting child theming for customizations only. The download comes with a starter child theme that you can install and start working on immediately. This is the best way to customize any theme without touching the core. Use Periodic as a framework or out of the box. It is entirely up to you!

  • Now includes starter child theme for customizations
  • The ampersand bug has now been fixed
  • Users can now password protect video posts.
  • End of life for theme update notification
  • End of life for Facebook Like button
  • End of life for WordPress 2.9

Update v2.3 (April 25, 2011)

  • Corrected the issue caused by us inadvertently deleting the searchform.php file

Update v2.2 (April 18, 2011)

  • Optional Nav Bar link to Periodic Theme Options page
  • Custom Search Form is now a widget for sidebar use only
  • jQuery Tabs is now a widget for sidebar use only
  • Recent Posts from Current Category is now a widget for sidebar use only
  • Added support for nextpage shortcode
  • Comments and Trackbacks/Pingbacks are separated with a custom callback for Trackbacks/Pingbacks

Update v2.1 (April 4, 2011)

  • Theme is ready for localization with included .pot file. You can optionally use the plugin to translate from within the admin area. Special thanks to for providing the localization support.
  • All scripts and CSS files are now enqueued.

Update v2.0 (March 8, 2011)

  • Resolved issue with Screen Options functionality in WordPress 3.1
  • User can now optionally add descriptions to each category
  • User can now optionally highlight Archived Posts and Search Results based on comment count
  • User can now optionally highlight Video Posts in Archives (this does not include the Video Archive), Search Results, Category Blocks and Sidebar Tabs
  • User can now optionally enable a blank custom.css file for CSS customizations. This file will load last and overwrite any of the core styles.
  • Added 120×600 Skyscraper Banner Ads Widget
  • Added 300×600 Banner Ad Widget
  • Added Breadcrumb functionality to Search Results
  • Added new Category Block: Lead Headline and Thumbnail Block
  • User can now select how many posts to display in each Category Block in increments of 5 (a maximum of 20)
  • Added 12 design styles
  • Added styles for captioning in WordPress Gallery
  • Added support for Vimeo, FLV and MP4 video posting with . You must download and install this plugin before selecting the option.
  • Added home page layout options: Category Blocks or Traditional Blog
  • Users can now optionally be notified of updates to Periodic on the Manage Themes page

Update v1.0.7 (January 4, 2011)

  • Resolved issue with Featured Slider background image disappearing in IE8

Update v1.0.6 (December 29, 2010)

  • Added option for user to choose types of posts for masthead carousel slider (Popular Posts or Category Based)
  • Added option for user to determine how many posts to show in masthead carousel (8, 12, 16, 20)
  • Added option for user titling masthead carousel
  • Added option for user to determine how many comments a post must have before it is starred in the masthead carousel
  • Search filter function removed due to conflict with WordPress internal search
  • If user selects Videos category for Featured Posts, the YouTube video will be played as an overlay

Update v1.0.5 (December 27, 2010)

  • Resolved issue of Home Page Category blocks returning no results when category name is more than one word

Update v1.0.4 (December 26, 2010)

  • Added option for choosing which category to pull Featured Post from
  • Added Contributors Page Template

Update v1.0.3 (December 22, 2010)

  • Added option for 728×90 Leaderboard Banner Ad
  • Added default post thumbnails if featured image is not set

Update v1.0.2 (December 21, 2010)

  • Resolved issue with Mobile Safari’s rendering of large CSS sprite image

Update v1.0.1 (December 21, 2010)

  • Fixed minor bug in Flickr Feed Widget

Theme Colors

Periodic comes with six built in color schemes for you to choose from. Once you have decided which color best suits you, simply select your option from the Periodic Theme Options page and click save. The built in color options are:

  • Purple (default)
  • Red
  • Pink
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Blue

Theme Features

Periodic was built from the ground up to include many of the sought after features in a premium WordPress theme including:

  • Home Page Feature Slider (powered by jQuery Cycle) with Thumbnails
  • Enhanced Blog Post Template (You enable/disable the functionality that is important to you via the Theme Settings.)
    • Author Gravatar
    • Author Box with Gravatar, Bio and link to Author Archive
    • Email Post Option
    • Print Post Option (with print.css file)
    • Built in Related Post (based on tag relationship)
    • Built in Social Sharing Scripts for Facebook, Twitter, StumpleUpon, Digg and Google Buzz (enable only what you need)
    • More from Category Script in the Sidebar
  • Fully developed comments
    • Nested Comments
    • Upload your own default avatar
    • Gravatar support
    • CSS support for all HTML tags left in comments
  • Built in Fancybox support for all linked images including WordPress gallery.
  • Two WordPress 3.0+ Menus with Wordpress 2.9 Fallback. Both menus allow for drop down menus powered by jQuery.
  • WordPress Featured Thumnbnai support. Periodic will automatically crop 10 variations of your uploaded image to be used throughout the theme.
  • Built in Breadcrumbs
  • Built in pagination support using WP-PageNavi
  • Three widget ready sidebars
    1. Home sidebar
    2. Left sidebar
    3. Right sidebar
  • Three widget ready footer columns
  • Seven Custom Widgets
    1. Twitter Feed Widget
    2. Flickr Feed Widget
    3. 300×250 Ad Widget
    4. 120×240 Ad Widget (blocks of two)
    5. 125×125 Ad Widget (blocks of six)
    6. Custom Category List with Post Count and jQuery Animation
    7. Recent Video Widget with Fancybox powered video player
  • YouTube integration for video posts. The player is embedded at the top of the post.
  • Three page templates
    1. Default Page with right sidebar
    2. Page with left sidebar
    3. Full Width Page with no sidebar
  • Layered PSD
  • 9 Shortcodes
Demo URL:

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