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Success breeds success! There ways to accomplish are unlimited. Campaigning and good business are putting forward ideas, solutions and creative thinking. If you are seeking for a presence that makes a difference in …

Quiven is a responsive, clean, simple, portfolio oriented theme. The main point of focus is represented by the slideshow, which is 1350×520px wide and supports images and videos (from Vimeo & Youtube). It …

Reflex features the debut release of the new RokGallery plugin, a gallery solution built with a custom tag-based architecture, bridging native style functions with a rich, intuitive web interface. Stylistically, …

Resizable is a responsive magazine / blog theme that works great on any resolution on desktop and mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. …

Responsy is a responsive html5 wordpress theme suitable for personal portfolios or creative agencies. Responsy has been coded in HTML5 & CSS3 and jQuery. It has a solid flexible responsive layout that scales …

Delight your customers not only with palatable food and the best quality services offered by your company but also with the unique design of your website! Our new template is the best solution while creating bar, …

This theme comes with over 100+ theme configuration options …

Shangrila is a very simple and useful website. The Template is built on 960 grids system, with 5 colors to decorate your website. Each layout is compatible with responsive technology, which makes the website …

In this information age media have a great power to change anything. To change minds and to reach out people a news portal is the best solution. Shaper News-III the block buster news template of JoomShaper released …

Shotzz is a clean premium wordpress theme which is the perfect solution for startups, businesses, photographers, designer and more. Packed with some amazing and useful features it`s just the perfect theme if you …